On behalf of EPA ORSA, TRANS-FAIRE has drawn up the impact study for the “Seine Gare Vitry” ZAC in Vitry-sur-Seine, part of the “Les Ardoines” OIN. The opinion of the French Environmental Authority has just been made public. Below is the summary.

Review summary

This notice has been produced in connection with the dossier de création modificatif (amended development file) for the “Seine Gare Vitry” concerted development zone in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne).

Forming the northern part of the vast industrial sector of Les Ardoines, served by the Vitry RER station, the site extends over an area of 37 ha between the Seine and the railroads. The project is designed to accommodate 10,000 new residents and 4,000 jobs. To achieve this, 435,000 m² of floor space, including 4,100 housing units, are to be developed in several phases extending to 2027.

The main environmental issues concern risks, pollution and the urban quality of the district; these are particularly likely to interact. The initial assessment is of good quality, both in terms of environmental considerations and the clarity of the dossier.

The environmental assessment approach proposed by the petitioner, which is contextualized, progressive and pragmatic, is appreciated. We also appreciate the fact that the issues and their interactions are taken into account at the scale of the Ardoines. This approach needs to be updated and refined at each operational stage of the project.

For the time being, the environmental authority recommends taking greater account of the risk of flooding, and paying the utmost attention to the siting of sensitive establishments on polluted soils, which will require additional studies to ensure pollution control.

Source: DRIEE Ile-de-France